Logue (Alpha 2.0)
Logue is a roguelike RPG with Dragon Quest/Pokémon-style combat. I haven't found a dedicated artist yet, so assume that any low quality assets that you see will get replaced eventually. See way below for some planned features.
A (J/Z) =The obvious A button stuff/(hold) run while in a dungeon
B (K/X) = Stand still and end your turn while in a dungeon
Start (L/Enter) = Open up the pause menu
Select (;/Shift/Backspace) = Hold it and press a direction to turn around when outside of a dungeon. Why would you want to do this? I dunno.
D-pad (WASD/Arrow keys) = D-pad stuff
How to Play
Talk to the NPCs and clear the dream dungeons that they present you with. It's easy. And it's made even easier with the items that you can find in the dream dungeons:
- Books - Books are your main way of powering up. As you level up, you'll be able to access more pages in each book. New pages means new spells, and new stat changes/abilities. But you can only benefit from the books you have equipped, and you can only have a maximum of 3 books equipped at any given time. You start with a limited selection of books, and you can permanently unlock any book that you have equipped whenever you clear a dream dungeon. They're like Pokémon--try to collect them all.
- Shields - Shields are equippable like books, but they provide enhancements to your Defend command. Just like books, they count towards your 3 equippable items limit.
- Potions - C'mon, you know what potions are.
- Other items - Figure them out yourself. ;^)
Outside of items, there's one other crucial mechanic that you should know about. There's a countdown timer that you'll notice in your HUD. (It's the hourglass icon.) Each time you take a step or end your turn, that timer will tick down. When it reaches 0, your dream will be invaded by another dream diver. These very powerful dreamers will attack you on sight. You'd do best to avoid them. Unless you're feeling confident in your abilities, of course. You can increase your timer by casting certain spells, or by defeating enemies.
Okay, that's enough info for now. You can figure out the rest on your own. This is a roguelike after all--discovery is half the fun.
Help wanted!
Thanks for playing the game. You did play it... right? Oh, you were waiting to finish reading this long description first? Cool, I can respect that. After you give the game a shot, please share any critiques and suggestions you might have. Feel free to get as nit-picky as you want. And if you're a developer who wants to join the team, let me know in the comments or on Twitter/Discord (@Bownly).
Feature Roadmap
Beta release
- A 3rd dream dungeon and/or access to the 3rd difficulty level for each dungeon
- More areas opened up in the overworld
- More of everything: spells, books, abilities, badges, items, skins, et al.
- More dungeon gimmicks (such as possibly teleporters, monster rooms, etc)
- Crossover content (Want your character in the game? Want to design a spellbook/enemy? Shoot me a message.)
- Audio
- Enhanced graphics
Final release
- A total of 6 or 7 dungeons (including the existing ones)
- Way more of everything else
- Multiplayer mode(s)?
Alpha 2.0 (from Alpha 1.0)
- Rebalanced everything, and rewrote most of the battle system logic
- Added some more books, spells, and items
- Added shields as a new type of item
- Added special abilities tied to different books
- Added an achievement system (badges)
- ...And a card game that utilized them
- Added a gacha system for unlocking new skins and items
- Added a pause menu for use in the overworld that has its own full set of functionalities
- Players can now dive into their own dream and do some non-dungeony stuff in there
- Loots of other tiny tweaks
Alpha 1.0 (from Prototype)
- Added an 2nd dungeon (and completely redid the 1st)
- Added 32 new enemies
- Added more books and tweaked some of the existing books
- Added spells that aid in dungeon traversal
- Added an overworld
- Added some early story elements
- Added NPCs
- Added a skin selection for the player character
- Players can now name (and rename) their characters
- Fixed lots of glitches
- The swinging table door thingy in the player's house can now be opened and closed (this is important)
- Tweaked the game balance
- Enemies now choose their moves based on some forethought, and not completely at random
- Lots of other things that I'm forgetting
- Original font by Reakain (https://reakain.itch.io/)
- Some graphical assets were provided by oshf (https://oshf.itch.io/)
- The Forsaken's original character design by RetroReflector (https://retroreflector.itch.io/)
- Used asset packs made by GibbonGL (https://gibbongl.itch.io/), PaperHatLizard (https://paperhatlizard.itch.io/), and BadDesignBrian (https://baddesignbryan.itch.io/)
- Everything else by me, Bownly
- As always, special thanks to the team behind GBDK
Install instructions
I haven't tested the game on real hardware, but it should work. It'll definitely work with a good emulator like BGB, and it should even work well enough with janky emulators like Emulicious or the Analogue Pocket.
Development log
- Alpha 2.0 launch83 days ago
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